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If we revisit our history, we do it for our own benefit, but especially for the benefit of our children so that we do not make the mistakes of the past again. We will call for Article 7 of the EU Treaty to be triggered. Een vast agendapunt op de Raad over de uitvoering van de milieuwetgeving zou bijvoorbeeld een stap vooruit zijn. Non è un fiorito classico. Ser du inga problem med en regering som politiserar tillsättningen av domstolsväsendet? 48 x 48 x 118 cm, ripiegato circa: 48 x 70 x 51 cm, altezza di gioco: 51 cm. – Madam President, I would like to thank the rapporteur for the work done on this report, which my Group will support. We all recall the images from last year. Jane Collins (EFDD). Acima de tudo, e também está aqui presente neste relatório, é urgente reforçar as políticas de emprego, tendo como prioridade os jovens e os desempregados de longa duração. Come più volte già ricordato, siamo più che favorevoli allo svecchiamento del sistema di trasporto tradizionale, che si basa ancora oggi su una tecnologia vecchia di oltre un secolo. In de regio Twente in Overijssel wordt vervuild afvalwater van de oliewinning geloosd onder drinkwater- en Natura 2000-gebieden. Those who make these comparisons do not know either Brussels or Moscow, or do not want to know, or do not want to remember. Det är dock faktiskt inte alla kollegor här inne som ser det. Svako se društvo ima obvezu pobrinuti za svoje najranjivije, a ljudi bez krova nad glavom u teškim vremenskim uvjetima to svakako jesu. Ils perdent des emplois à cause de la robotisation, encouragée démesurément par l’UE, sans étude sérieuse sur les risques de chômage. – Г-жо Макгинес, уважаеми г-н Хоган, чрез руското ембарго можем да разберем две неща. Dat de regeringspartij toch een meerderheid heeft in het Parlement en dat daarmee alle besluiten democratisch zijn. Vues 1 à 490 sur 490. Si respira la vera essenza della città con i tram che sferragliano salendo lungo la collina dove si trova questo gioiello !!! Εύχομαι καλή επιτυχία στο έργο της κυρίας O’Reilly και γνωρίζει ότι συμπαραστεκόμαστε στον αγώνα της. We need to secure respect, and this can only be done through absolute integrity and full independence from the private sector. In other words, it was given political priority. Zweitens möchte ich darauf hinweisen: Das Problem verstärkt sich ja auch gerade dadurch, dass die vielen Mitgliedstaaten ihre Regeln nicht einhalten. Dla odmiany w czasie II wojny światowej Polska utraciła swą niepodległość przez politykę Anglii i Francji. They work in unanimity; we do not know which countries are blocking or deluding this very important work to ensure fair corporate taxes in Europe. Και όμως, εγκαθίστανται εκεί πάρα πολλά πάρκα που έχουν σχέση με την παραγωγή αιολικής ενέργειας. It is important that the European Parliament sends a strong message on the need to revise the Dublin Regulation, and it is time for the Council to advance it. Consigliata. – Señora presidenta, señor comisario, desde el pasado agosto hasta el próximo mes de junio se van a retirar nada menos que 52 530 toneladas de melocotones y nectarinas. So implementation is a matter for the Member State, and it is in the interest of the Member State, if it wants to eliminate the possibility of expensive legal proceedings and fines, to take action. Por um lado afirma, e bem, que o combate às desigualdades se fará pela defesa da contratação coletiva, pelo aumento dos salários, pela regulação dos horários e combate ao trabalho precário, pelo aumento das prestações sociais, pelo reforço e universalidade dos serviços de proteção social e pela promoção de serviços públicos universais nas áreas da saúde e da educação. Cercavo un profumo da usare tutti i giorni durante il lavoro, dotato di un suo carattere ma comunque discreto e non particolarmente costoso, penso di averlo trovato. Ms Grapini, again, it is a matter for Member States to decide if they want to implement support packages and financial support with assistance from EU programmes, like the LIFE Programme, for example, which can offer financial assistance, if necessary, with the implementation of certain environmental law that has to be transposed and implemented by the Member States on behalf of the European Union. Proszę przyjąć do wiadomości, że proces upodmiotowienia we Wschodniej Europie się dokonuje i żebyście Państwo, nie wiem, co tutaj w obliczu tego robili lub czego nie robili, to będzie trwać. Quem exportava para este mercado começou a vender no mercado interno e isto está a ter um efeito tremendo nas economias mais pequenas. I welcome the Commission’s plans – as recently announced by First Vice—President Timmermans at the General Affairs Council – to carry out preparatory work on the topic of fake news. How free medepanel rote nasenspitze tcm pincel p84 sigma resenha uplb idmg settlements in petra just cause 3 stabilizzazione vigili del fuoco 2007 wot ps4 servers down simple paper artwork aggio scigliuto a te yzr m1 2013 wallpaper madonna vestita di rosso loswerden wollen synonym fred weber landfill sale zero zone mobile. In the Committee, we had the vote which did not support him because he was accused of some violations of rules on misbehaviour or something like that. Titanium Dioxide (C.I. Look at the Chinese Communist Party today for evidence of that. A failure to offer hope is empowering adversaries of a prosperous, peaceful and integrated Europe. – Mr President, comrades, socialism has been the most catastrophic political experiment in history, responsible for the deaths of millions. Czy dlatego, że to rząd pańskiej rodziny politycznej socjalistów? Si je ne veux pas établir de hiérarchie dans les difficultés que rencontrent nos concitoyens, je veux néanmoins insister sur une nouvelle forme d’inégalité: il s’agit de l’inégalité numérique. Si sente sicuramente sia il fico che le note verdi, ma ha questo fondo amarostico che io personalmente non amo, essendo una amante dei profumi dolci e gourmand. Four thousand students have gained a scholarship in the EU, 10 000 people have been exchanged in exchange programmes, and most importantly citizens of Moldova, Georgia and Ukraine now travel visa-free to the EU. An Herrn Avramopoulos gerichtet: Sie haben rasche Rückführungsmaßnahmen durch die griechische Regierung in die Türkei gefordert. Ακόμη και το Ευρωκοινοβούλιο είναι στην τέταρτη θέση των θεσμικών οργάνων που ερευνώνται και, ναι, σε μερικές περιπτώσεις η έλλειψη διαφάνειας είναι σκόπιμη. E' forte già con pochi spruzzi. From the mono-brand store in Florence to New York, Los Angeles, Tokyo, Seoul, Moscow, London and Geneva - these are just some of the cities in which Il Borgo Cashmere creations can be found, symbol of the best Italian entrepreneurship as well as values of authentic ethical luxury. Es un informe sincero y es un informe que tiene audacia, y yo quiero, en ese sentido, reconocerle su trabajo y su función. ), ma cosmeticamente un po' deludente. (Talaren avböjde att besvara en fråga (”blått kort”) från David Coburn i enlighet med artikel 162.8 i arbetsordningen.). A casa mia, in media, ciascuno aveva tre, quattro o cinque profumi. Het is mij al jaren een doorn in het oog dat de jeugdwerkloosheid in een aantal lidstaten torenhoog is. They are supposed to phase out cross—border harmful corporate tax regimes in Europe. Il motivo per cui adotteremo una terza risoluzione sulla Polonia è per ricordare insieme le ragioni che ci tengono uniti, i fondamenti normativi che tutti i paesi membri hanno sottoscritto. Chylę czoła przed bohaterstwem moich rodaków, którzy tuż po uzyskaniu niepodległości podjęli walkę z nawałą bolszewicką, ratując całą Europę. From day one of my life, my parents had to check me in with the KGB every month. Sobre todo, debemos gestionar y pedir explicaciones sobre la incorrecta gestión de los fondos que se aplican para este fin. Eleonora Forenza (GUE/NGL). It is not the European Commission only. These rules have long been called for by the steel industry, given that goods sold below the cost of production are putting thousands of jobs at risk across the continent. Sectorul fructelor și legumelor suferă de pe urma embargoului rusesc. L'Oxfam afferma che oggi nel mondo otto persone detengono la ricchezza della metà più povera della popolazione mondiale. But we are not having a dialogue with the Polish authorities; we are not having a dialogue with the Polish Government either. Dość zgodnie odrzucono dwie niezbyt fortunne poprawki i bardzo dużą większością, ponad pięciuset eurodeputowanych, przyjęliśmy te wytyczne, które są kluczowe na szczyt Partnerstwa Wschodniego, który za moment się rozpoczyna. Lamis Savanna Nights è una fragranza felciata aromatica per gli uomini. Ska vi lämna över en hållbar och beboelig planet till våra barn och barnbarn? Mela, di quelle piccole rosse e gialle, antiche cultivar, croccante e succosa. Aber ich habe auch in den Zwischentönen erkannt, auch von meiner Kollegin Evi, dass sie womöglich in die gleiche Richtung denkt. Добре е да се поощрят и данъчните облекчения за електрическите мобилни средства, като се намаляват данъците за такива електрически мобилни средства, като се дават бонуси за купувачите, които купуват такива средства, а също така и например като се осигуряват безплатни места за паркиране в градовете. Es uzskatu, ka Eiropai ir jāturpina humanitārā un attīstības palīdzība un tās ietvaros mums ir jāeksportē pārtika uz tām valstīm, kurās cilvēkiem bads ir ikdienas problēma. In conclusion, I look to my Polish colleagues – colleagues like Mr Lewandowski – and I look to Poles demonstrating that the Polish nation and the Polish Government are not one and the same. If the Council is pretending that it can only decide when there is unanimity, it is actually violating the treaties. Vladimír Maňka (S&D), písomne. Trovo molto più nelle mie corde il profumo Green Tea and Fig di Elizabeth Arden, quello sì che l'ho apprezzato molto di più. În acest context, domnule comisar, apreciez că este în sarcina Comisiei Europene să dispună statelor membre întărirea mecanismelor de control pentru a se evita situațiile arătate mai sus. Encre Noire A L'Extreme di Lalique è una fragranza del gruppo Legnoso Aromatico da uomo.Encre Noire A L'Extreme è stato lanciato sul mercato nel 2015. First, enhanced social dialogue and collective bargaining for determining wages, recalling the fact that the right of collective bargaining and action is fundamental and that the decline in the bargaining power of workers and trade unions must be reversed. – Hoge omes van de Europese Unie, bent u niet beschaamd dat u het Poolse volk hier op het matje roept? In questi giorni Ma Vie di Hugo Boss che già conoscevo mi è arrivato come una piccola ventata di fiorita freschezza media femminile nel mezzo di giornate dedicate a profumi particolari ma con esiti discutibili. Marek Jurek (ECR). President. These measures must provide sustainable assistance to these important players in the European agricultural sector. Ginko Biloba Leaf Extract, Sodium Hyaluronate. We are in the middle of the debate on the future of the European Union. Noi amiamo il vostro popolo e amiamo la vostra nazione. Il suo attuale obiettivo: avvicinare sempre di più industria e profumeria, diventando così uno strumento indispensabile per tutti gli operatori del settore. Oggi sono capitata in profumeria e me lo sono spruzzata per sfizio, sinceramente non so cosa pensare, forse è talmente sentito, copiato, usato male anche in estate, che forse non riesco a dare un'opinione imparziale. We, as decision makers, need to mainstream this shared goal in our work across various policy areas, in a coordinated manner: working in silos is no longer the solution. It seeks to spread chaos, to weaken our stability, to undermine the trust of people in our institutions, and to make us afraid of every upcoming election. Auch wenn wir in den letzten Jahren keinen Krieg begonnen haben, sind wir nicht nur wegen unserer Kolonialgeschichte, sondern auch wegen unserer aktuellen Politik mindestens mitverantwortlich für Armut und andere Entwicklungen in afrikanischen Herkunftsstaaten. Radura, circondato da alberi. – Madam President, there is no doubt that EU environmental legislation has yielded results. Ruža Tomašić (ECR). Vanuit de milieucommissie doen we daarvoor enkele aanbevelingen. Mi magyarok és lengyelek együttérzéssel látjuk azt, ahogy mennek tönkre Nyugat-Európában a települések, az emberek élete, az emberek biztonságérzete. Yes, there are reasons to be disappointed by the lack of progress in reforms, in overcoming old divisions, but rather than relax our attention, the EU should engage more. Al mio naso risulta molto pungente e per questo molto maschile, ma bisogna dargli il tempo di aprirsi perchè evolve molto lentamente, come tutti i profumi così complessi. – Mr Sylikiotis, please respect the time slot you have received and also show respect to your colleagues. Queste morti pesano sulle coscienze di chi ha voluto l'accordo cinico con la Turchia. Vous l’avez bien compris puisque vous avez, sans relâche, usé du pouvoir qui est le vôtre pour tenter d’ouvrir de nouveaux marchés. It was effective propaganda. Jo Leinen (S&D). Pavel Telička hat gesagt, die Chinesen und die Amerikaner setzen sich keine Quoten, die machen einfach. Glycine Soja Oil, Aloe Barbadensis Leaf Juice, Helianthus Annuus Seed Oil, Vitis Vinifera Fruit Extract, Cocos Nucifera Oil, Sodium Hydroxide, Coco-Caprylate/Caprate. Adorabile! Ten tweede is het essentieel dat regionale en lokale overheden voluit worden betrokken. We should be giving them every support possible to help the situation. – Monsieur le Président, Monsieur Verhofstadt a comparé les manifestations en Pologne avec Auschwitz. Je zorgen ventileren over wetten die een regering aanneemt, is niet hetzelfde als een bevolking attaqueren. Pensavo fosse un profumino evanescente, e invece devo dire che lo sento molto penetrante. I think all of us welcome the idea of the social pillar, we would just like to see something a bit less flimsy, which will, we hope, be more sustainable. Nel corso di questi anni, alcuni paesi europei hanno contrastato la crisi con insensate politiche di rigore, diminuendo le protezioni sociali, riducendo l'effetto e la quantità di welfare a disposizione, nell'idea che l'economia sarebbe ripartita così, facendo costare di meno il costo del lavoro, mentre invece la competizione che deriva da parti più deboli di popolazioni del mondo ha avuto il sopravvento. Christine Revault d'Allonnes Bonnefoy (S&D), par écrit. Barbara Kudrycka (PPE), pytanie zadane przez podniesienie niebieskiej kartki. Jag lägger nu fram lösningarna, så får vi se vad ni gör med dem. La carretera debe servir para la distribución en corta y media distancia, como complemento de una red ferroviaria regional, nacional y transfronteriza de calidad. Poprę rezolucję, pod warunkiem, że zawarta w niej groźba nałożenia na Polskę sankcji ekonomicznych zostanie przez PE odrzucona. Ne faut-il pas mobiliser ses services sur cette question-là aussi? Η διαχείριση του προσφυγικού, οι νεοφιλελεύθερες πολιτικές λιτότητας και η στρατιωτικοποίηση δείχνουν όσο ποτέ άλλοτε το μιλιταριστικό, ξενοφοβικό, ρατσιστικό και αντεργατικό πρόσωπο της Ένωσης. – Esta questão que debatemos hoje remonta ao golpe de Estado na Ucrânia e aos Acordos de Minsk. In addition, they face multiple discrimination. Vēlēšanu novērošanas misijā Gambijā es redzēju, ka klimata īpatnību dēļ vairākus mēnešus augļi tur gandrīz nav pieejami. Barbara Lochbihler (Verts/ALE), Frage nach dem Verfahren der „blauen Karte“. Mana valsts — Latvija — ir starp tām valstīm, kuras Krievijas embargo ir skāris visvairāk. Zgodnie z tezą zawartą w tytule sprawozdania, o którym dzisiaj mówimy, zwalczanie nierówności może przyspieszyć powstawanie nowych miejsc pracy. They took the view that, if foreign taxpayers wanted to subsidise their own consumers, that was more foolish of the foreign taxpayers and very nice for their consumers, and the Hong Kongs, the Singapores, more recently the Australias and New Zealands, all benefited by opening their markets without insisting on reciprocity.

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