Sailing Journal – March 29, 2008 – Pacific Crossing

March 29: Day 17 Doing laundry by hand is a drag. Brett can’t help because of his hand so it was all me. I managed to two loads, ran out of life-line space for hanging clothes and had to stop. My arms and stomach are sore from wringing and churning the laundry by hand, but […]

Sailing Journal – March 28, 2008 – Pacific Crossing

March 28: Day 16 Best Day Ever Yesterday the sun came out and we celebrated one thousand miles to go. Almost there. I did not realize how much I missed the sunshine. We celebreated by having a glass of wine (second on this passage), opening the cockpit to the welcome sun and blasting all of […]

Sailing Journal – March 27, 2008 – Pacific Crossing

March 27: Day 15 Well as the day has gone on we have been picking up speed and are now cruising along at 7 knotts in a stiff breeze. Last night was moonless and the coulds parted for me to get a view of the stars unobstructed by city lights. I was disappointed. It seems […]

Sailing Journal – March 26, 2008 – Pacific Crossing

March 26: Day 14 We crossed into the ITCZ today, the dreaded “Doldrums.” We have had wind at our backs for so many days that when, in a span of five minutes, the wind went from the North to the South it was so disorienting that I had to keep refering to the compasss to […]

Sailing Journal – March 25, 2008 – Pacific Crossing

March 25: Day 13 At the halfway point we toasted to a safe and uneventfull passage. Like a dream today has been just that. We are both worn from the two weeks of sleeping in three hour shifts, the inexplicable sameness of every day and always being on watch or ready to jump at a […]

Sailing Journal – March 24, 2008 – Pacific Crossing

March 24: Day 12 Last night was the longest and most stressful night we have had so far. The winds had started whipping up to 25 knotts, it was raining, the seas where six foot and choppy. There was no moon. Then the auto pilot decided to stop working. I attempted hand steering so that […]

Sailing Journal – March 23, 2008 – Pacific Crossing

March 23: Day 11 Happy Easter Well Brett can’t do dishes anymore, lucky him! He says the wound feels fine and when we checked it there was no sign of infection. Changed the bandage. I decided to do some cooking and baking to make the boat merry and fun after the trauma that was yesterday. […]

Sailing Journal – March 21, 2008 – Pacific Crossing

March 21: Day 9 This refrigerator issue has gotten out of hand. Now that Brett and I have both consumed our fair share of toxic, contaminated food going into the frige has become an ordeal on par with helping to nurse a lepper. I really wish I had a gas mask. One whiff of that […]

Sailing Journal – March 20, 2008 – Pacific Crossing

March 20: Day 8 Yesterday we were cruising along and batteling the wind, as usual. It was coming straight off the stern and moving from side to side. This requires constant sail adjustment and course changes. I was checking our possition on the Chart Plotter when all of the sudden my tiny world did a […]

Sailing Journal – March 19, 2008 – Pacific Crossing

March 19: Day 7 Last night the wind was gusting up to 30 knotts. I have lonly seen 30 knotts one other time. It feels like a lot of wind right now. We had to shorten sail as much as possible but the boat kept getting overpowered by the unpredictable gusts. We tried taking down […]