Sailing Journal – November 23, 2007

Back Side of Catalina Island, Shark Cove

It has been an interesting week and looking back at my previous journal entries it is easy to see that my thoughts have been darting around like so many nervous humming birds, despite my feelings that I was immune from the stress.

After being escorted from the harbor by the fire department and many dear friends we let ourselves relax and I finished Gone with the Wind.   It is an epic story of the South during the civil war and I am reminded of my Great Grandmother, a southern belle who lost her land and husband in that war. I never understood how one could lose their land for not filling in the right paperwork and this story brought it all home in a way I never would have suspected. I am struck by the differences of our time; I have gratefulness for all the strong and stubborn women who came before me and a determination to do them proud. I then read a book called Maiden Voyage, a book about a young woman who commenced a circumnavigation of the globe alone at the tender age of 18, she did not return until she was 21. Again I am reminded of the great women in this world and a need to find a niche where I can reveal my character, be tested and come through with flying colors. Sitting in Avalon harbor, relaxing and reading I think of the adventures ahead and I hope they are scary enough to test me. I need testing to feel the metal that I know is there.

Gary and Odie have come with us to Catalina to celebrate Odie’s birthday and Thanksgiving.   It has been great to have them here and we have been having a blast. We had a great birthday and I cooked a turkey for Thanksgiving with Odie providing most of the trimmings, it has been pretty luxurious. Between their presence, the continuation of cell phone coverage and being on anchor in a place that is very familiar it is hard to believe that we are gone; that this is the beginning of a three year and four month journey that will take me to places that at this point I have never heard of.

This first week has caught me in a strange lethargy and it is has been hard to motivate. I know that the boat is filthy, the last time Fearless got a good top to bottom cleaning was for the Bon Voyage party and her bathrooms and shower are in a sad state. It has been cold and we are trying to get into our cruising routine, so there has been no running the engine for solely hot water and without the hot water a shower is not an inviting thought. Showers have been getting fewer and farther between but this morning I caught a whiff of myself and realized that icy cold or not it was time to get in and clean off the grime. Then I was caught up in the momentum, provided by the frigid shock, and got to cleaning my home. After reading about the adventures of Tania in Maiden Voyage I am reminded that Fearless will have to withstand an amazing amount of abuse to carry us this unbelievable distance and so I washed her, babied her and silently thanked her for being such a strong vessel.

I am looking around at her now. I know that she will never look any better. We have poured our money and time into her for the last three years and she is like a fine piece of art: perfect in every way. The miles will be cruel, the salt will corrode her and the sea will smack her brutally about. So I am taking in this moment and enjoying how lovely she is, I want to remember.