Sailing Journal – March 27, 2008 – Pacific Crossing

March 27: Day 15

Well as the day has gone on we have been picking up speed and are now cruising along at 7 knotts in a stiff breeze. Last night was moonless and the coulds parted for me to get a view of the stars unobstructed by city lights. I was disappointed. It seems that these are no different from the stars in Utah or on the top of Buttermilk Mountain in Aspen, I was hoping for more. They are pretty but the did not take my breath away. An interesting thing has happened to me out here. Wheras at home I am unsatisfied unless I am doing 2-3 things at once. I have found out here a peace of mind that is simple and uncluttered. Given the choice of music, reading or looking out over the horizon I have found melself just looking out on the endless hoizon. I would not have thought myself capable of this type of stillness and peace. I have always had to be buisy with at least one thing if not two or three. (Driving? Got to talk on the phone, litsten to the radio or eat. Cooking? Got to pop in a movie, same if I’m ever doing any arts or crafts. Got to have some kind of background noise or I will go crazy!) Maybe this is a product of exhaustion, maybe contentment, who knows?