Sailing Journal – March 16, 2008 – Pacific Crossing

March 16: Day 4

The gale that was predicted has not come. The wind is light but building and the seas have discovered some shape. I have been looking at the stars that are reflected in the phosphorescence below and alowing myself to feel fully that state of wonder. The ocean is so vast and it is 20 miles in all directions that encompasses both my line of sight and my solitude. It is both constant and constantly changing. This dychodomy seems to encompass the nature of all things and I am both hummbled and exhalted by its vastness and my place in it. This solitude is so complete that I was amazed when I saw another ship crossing my stern, 4 miles back. I watched as they faded out of sight and was both excited and and amazed to be sharing this ocean with anyone else after days of seeing no one.

Brett had a Fanta today (an orange soda) and the noxious fridge smell had entered the can. This seems unbelieveable. A can was penetrated?!? I had a can of Barbras Lemondade and the same was true. This frige is going to kill us with its toxic waste. It may be that all my food that is not vacu-sealed is ruined. I still have faith in my stwist top tupperwear in ziplock bags, that seems to be fine. Just not the gasket tupperwear, I have had to throw anything out that was in this type of container.