Sailing Journal – March 13, 2008 – Pacific Crossing

Daily Journal for Pacific Passage

Well, this ended up being a long one! I knew that what at one point seems so important can be lost with mulling over so I decided to keep a daily log at sea. When at sea the days seem to blend together with the swells of the ocean and are imbued with a terrible sameness that is a protection from going totaly bonkers while you are out there. Time steals the import of the moment from you. What was once a revelation becomes dogma with the constant replay that happens in your mind. On the whole, the crossing was an amazing experience that I will never forget and that I would not trade for anything. It tested my courage, my endourance and my patience. I would never say that it was fun, but I was able to find a special peace in myself that I never knew existed. I hope that my journal can capture some of this for you and that you can feel the lonliness, the challenges and the amazing peace that I found at sea.

March 13: Day 1

I was up till 3AM last night preparing food for our journey. Hanky Pankies, meatloaf, fresh salsa, marinade for the chicken breast, chicken salad, soup stock and curried chick pea soup. All the food that has been purchased in bulk has been measured out and put into individual, vacu-sealed packets for easy preperation at sea. this mornign was full of expectation and last minute chores: we wnnt to get ice for our cooler bag and had to spend our last two hundred pesos. After the seven runs for provisions, all with more than I could comfortably carry on my own, there was nothing we really needed so we had ice cream and red bull as our parting treat.

At noon we left and the sky was clear and the wind was light but steady. We set our sails and turned off the motor, maybe for the last time until we hit The Marquesas Islands. We figured out the watch schedule and I will have the noon to 6PM, 9PM to Midnight and 3AM to 6AM. this will give us each two, three hour shifts at night and one long six hour shift during the day when it is easier to watch. This also gives us a nice long chunck to get in some solid rest. I am filled with such boundless anticipation that it seems impossible that I will sleep tonight.