what happened to more perfect

WHAT HAPPENED TO PERFECT? Either way…, KELSEY: And either way...the Supreme Court maybe disappears forever, ELIE MYSTAL: Marshall needed to find a way to get through this. So he says OK, hold up, ARI SAVITSKY:  He should’ve gotten that commission, KELSEY: Mr Jefferson should no be doing this. KELSEY: Marshall is sent away for over a  year... there’s no full supreme court meetings… And when he comes back...and it’s very clear to him, that the Supreme Court it’s on life support. LINDA MONK: And that’s how we got John Marshall, AKHIL REDAMAR: And John Adams does one other thing, KELSEY: In the waning seconds of his presidency, AKHIL REDAMAR: Adams and these repudiated Federalists jam through a whole bunch of Federal judgeships, ARI SAVITSKY: They create scores of new judges. KELSEY: You could trace so much of this back to one move...by one man. Marshall is agreeing to lose - he’s like found this way to lose, to like let Darth Vader strike him down. Part of the A360 Media Entertainment Group.Powered by WordPress VIP, Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window). ARI SAVITSKY: We need to save the republic! KELSEY: So Jefferson, he decides to immediately retaliate. KELSEY: But then, when he gets to the matter at hand, he does this little shift. But what happened in Game 5 of 2012 will never be forgotten due to it's agonizing extremes. And his team are the Federalists. Actually it was Marshall and Jefferson who really despised each other. He says at the time on the court, you had this guy nickname Red Old Bacon face... ARI SAVITSKY: He’s like the kind of like the Charlie Sheen, wild thing in “Major League” type character, KELSEY: Very hot tempered, had a foul mouth. Seriously. That, many scholars think, was part of John Marshall’s secret. Like if you read the constitution... AKHIL REDAMAR: Boy it spends a lot of time talking about the house of representative, how are you gonna count slaves. ARI SAVITSKY: Your commission, your commission! Gotta think about the country in 1800, in 1804. KELSEY: This is like where he uses the force. And in Marshall’s decision he wrote, AKHIL REDAMAR: It’s the emphatically the duty and province of the judicial department to say what the law is, KELSEY: And with those words, he made the court what it is today, CLIP: The US Supreme Court ruled Monday a law allowing Americans born in Jerusalem to list Israel as their place of birth is unconstitutional. Persona 5 Strikers is a direct sequel to Persona 5, set months after the Phantom Thieves hung up their masks. JAD: Nine, yes. An artificial crisis, doom around every corner instead of hope. Users who like What Happened To Perfect; Users who reposted What Happened To Perfect; Playlists containing What Happened To Perfect; More tracks like What Happened To Perfect… More. JAD: Who is his very famous second cousin? More Versions. KELSEY:  Well so the thing that he does, it’s like the most jedi master-ish thing ever. How odd. Scroll down to see what the original Bellas, and some of their rivals, have been up to since the musical franchise began. A More Perfect Union Summary and Response . JAD: Wow, if I were Jefferson I’d be PISSED. KELSEY: Exactly. So like, congrats, you win cousin. KELSEY: He moves all the justices into the same dorm. Directed by Bob Sweeney. ARI SAVITSKY: You’re an official, do your job. You're Not There. He says all these sorts of things, but he knows that Thomas Jefferson, you know, straight up has more power. “It’s our favorite thing to do,” Snow told Us Weekly exclusively in October 2017. They were handling like these little tiny rinky dink cases. KELSEY: The case gets named Marbury v. Madison because James Madison is Jefferson’s secretary of state, who he’s actually suing but. ARI SAVITSKY: Nominate these people. So just as Justice Scalia has recently died and there’s a vacancy, well, the sitting Chief Justice, Oliver Ellsworth, steps down. Play You're Not There (Grey Remix) Play Off to See the World Play Love Someone Play Not a Damn Thing Changed Facebook Twitter or maybe it still is.... Home. JAD: OK, so why do we call this podcast the strange thing we called it? 92. The ladies are also “Dixie Chicks serious” about their bond and WhatsApp group chat. And so he’s retreating. Did you have them? KELSEY: Forcing Marshall and the court to have this confrontation with Jefferson. ARI SAVITSKY: Congress creates 40 judges at the last minute, and then he appoints 40 judges at the last minute. LINDA MONK: He’s essentially suing the President! ARI SAVITSKY:  We don’t have jurisdiction to hear this case. We think we should know about these people. Marshall knows this. KELSEY: That sets up this kind of terrible situation for Jefferson. Strip No More. KELSEY: The Republicans, Thomas Jefferson’s people, they like small tiny government. ARI SAVITSKY: He goes directly to the Supreme Court and he says, I have a right! Then life happened. So first letter last name: K K T G B R A S maybe G. What if you turned that into a song to help you remember? Back then. He will never give that commission. ARI SAVITSKY: let’s have a national bank, let’s rev up national power. KELSEY: Imagine if that happened to day, when Obama’s plan for immigration gets smacked down, imagine him like instead of him having that peaceful press conference where he like shows his disappointment, imagine instead if he was like, Supreme Court And that’s  actually going to make him more powerful. JAD: Potato hole [LAUGHS] Like it was damp or something, KELSEY: I mean, DC at this time was like a swamp, so I imagine there were spiders in there and they said there weren’t very many windows, KELSEY: Maybe it wasn’t that bad, but still, LINDA MONK: We think of three separate branches. LINDA MONK: Thomas Jefferson, give me that darned piece of paper that says I'm really a judge. JAD: [LAUGHS] What do you mean the other--, ARI SAVITSKYI: Eh out of town, got something better to do, like they just don’t show up, KELSEY: Actually it was three people, but still, JAD: Wait, before we go too deep… Can you just like--, ELIE MYSTAL: oh they all look the same to me. ARI SAVITSKY: Hell yeah, he should have gotten that commission. KELSEY: So basically, Marshall is kinda stuck. So the title of this podcast is a mnemonic device to help you remember the names of the justices. AKHIL REDAMAR: When congress actually sets up the first supreme court they created originally a Supreme Court of six justices, KELSEY: That’s Yale law professor, Akhil Redamar. KELSEY: And he would need to be because he ends up getting in this very famous fight with his very famous second cousin, that would change the course of the American history like forever. KELSEY: Especially when there’s like arguably nothing in the constitution to said that that SHOULD happen. Whew. How he’s you know ruining America! ARI SAVITSKY: They just canceled it. I’m saying high school. 5 September 2012 . Jefferson you’re a hack. KELSEY: So now it’s the showdown between Marshall’s ragtag team and Jefferson, ARI SAVITSKY:  So basically what happens is. KELSEY: To paraphrase: Marshall, you’re dishonest. ELIE MYSTAL: How he can’t do what he did! SANDERS: "A More Perfect Union" was delivered on March 18, 2008. If you left me, baby, where would you go I can't imagine you ever being alone I'm a jealous man, but I'll try to understand. 9 men. Share. ARI SAVITSKY:  So Jefferson is running the country…. Thousands of Native Americans were marched off their lands, LINDA MONK: There’s evidence that they were purposefully moved during the winter so, JAD: So while the court maybe had constitutional authority, it didn’t have actual power. Play 11. Edit. So-- and what he does actually ends up being very important, he files a lawsuit directly in the Supreme Court. You could reasonably argue that Marbury v. Madison was not the big moment when the court got its power because it really depends on what you mean when you say power. And if you just decide you’re not gonna follow the law just because you don’t like the guy who made the law or you don’t think it’s fair, that’s anarchy. ARI SAVITSKY: These are all like important official documents signed by the president, like no one knows what happened to them? ARI SAVITSKY: It’s really hard, we do that all the time today, right? AKHIL REDAMAR: An even number. The franchise has since released two aca-awesome sequels. ARI SAVITSKY:  Where is the commission? ARI SAVITSKY:  Yeah. Funeral. LINDA MONK: I think ultimately I agree with Learned Hand, JAD: He was a judge in New York in the early 1900s, LINDA MONK: That we place our hopes too much upon laws and courts and, constitutions that these are false hopes. ARI SAVITSKY: they literally call him his rotundity, KELSEY: So Adams is in power...and ultimately, our guy, John Marshall. Consequently, the people who chose to do this. Do they have to give the commission to Marbury? The Federalists hold all the branches of Government. But the gutting losses and … BUT...the constitution says that you can’t come to the Supreme Court first. Look at this. AKHIL REDAMAR: But originally, the first congress, they created six members because they’re not  imagining the court as deciding everything. You know earlier I had mentioned that Marbury brought this case under a law Congress had passed that said Marbury could come straight to the Supreme Court, like for this kind of situation. Play 10. So their last names are: Kagan, Kennedy, Thomas, Ginsberg, Briars--sorry Briar, no S there. KELSEY: Instead of jumping off the cliff or laying down, he jukes to the right and he establishes a new rule of the game, KELSEY: Inside this one highly technical, highly political drama between these two cousins, John Marshal sneaks in an atomic bomb, this incredible power. It’s an appeals court. I want season 2 for perfect Harmony to come i love the show and i enjoy every character and cast why people love ruin great shows .I am so sad and disappointed . KELSEY: And they throw Federalists into almost all of those positions. Hated by Thomas Jefferson’s party. The courts can make these laws, but if the people aren’t willing to go along with it, then what do these laws mean? ELIE MYSTAL’S MOM: Yes. Like, how did they get so powerful? How did the Supreme Court get so...supreme? Jessie Wilson . ARI SAVITSKY: But that law is unconstitutional, AKHIL REDAMAR: And we’re not going to follow that unconstitutional directive. JAD: He just throws in 40 judges at the last minute? Barney and Thelma Lou successfully match-make Andy and Thelma Lou's cousin Karen, but Barney's unfortunate way of describing the situation has Karen rifle-ready to shoot down Andy's supposed inflated ego. CLIP: The judges appeared in their robes of justice! 6 posts What happened to Biden's nose? Biden happened. Well now eight. KELSEY: OK so he’s professionalizing the team, he’s getting them together, and then they get put to the test in 1803. You still get your appointment. And Adams picks his secretary of state, John Marshall, to be the new chief Justice. KELSEY: The Federalists. Like as we were talking with our legal editor Elie Mystal and constitutional scholar Linda Monk, they both said like look at what happens after this case. Contact. The Drafting Table. They were like--. And maybe you make one and send it to us. And on top of that, the guy you’ve named to be the head of the judges, the head of the Supreme Court is my evil second cousin? Off screen the cast has remained close, attending each other’s weddings, bachelorette bashes, throwing holiday cookie decorating parties and more. Yesterday. We should at least know their names. an executive willing to put boots on the ground in order to enforce their laws. At one point John Marshall’s wife’s mother rejected Thomas Jefferson romantically, JAD: Said no to the great Thomas Jefferson, JAD: But that doesn’t seem like enough of a reason. President Obama’s A More Perfect Union speech that he delivered conveyed many messages about his beliefs concerning racism.He starts off explaining how the founders of our nation made the Constitution creating all men equal, but not actually practicing that idea. JAD: That’s coming up when we continue. Who are like really smart, but like a motley crew that isn’t organized. ELIE MYSTAL: People weren’t coming THEM! They, even, as much or not more than today, they thought the other side was trying to destroy the America that they just created. KELSEY: Jefferson’s people get up there and say...I don’t know what you’re talking about. Someone will be performing [and they’ll text], or sometimes it will just be, ‘Hey, what’s up,’ or a little gossip, or did you guys see this? This is going to hurt. KELSEY: That was the sort of  Jedi master move. ARI SAVITSKY: and working with a republican congress, KELSEY: Well, at this time Congress had just. Characters have been added along the way, but the original Bellas — made up of Beca (Anna Kendrick), Aubrey (Anna Camp), Chloe (Brittany Snow), Fat Amy (Rebel Wilson) and more — cemented their place in fans’ hearts early on. ELIE MYSTAL: If the executive branch is gonna say right at the jump that if you make a decision I don’t like, I’m just gonna ignore that, then every executive branch going on from Jefferson, throughout the rest of our history, is just going to ignore the Supreme Court when the Supreme Court does something that the executive doesn’t like. JAD: Was it like an oversight or something? But he basically he tells Marbury, the plaintiff... ARI SAVITSKY: You came in, and you came to the Supreme Court first. I have a legal right! The Supreme Court, the Supreme Court. KELSEY: So John Adams is like crap, what do I do? KELSEY: ...to which Marbury’s lawyers are like, seriously. Im like 30 years happened nucca! Continue. Normally nobody cares about the Supreme Court, but in this moment he’s thinking oh my gosh, this is my last hope. With Andy Griffith, Lori Lethin, Alice Hirson, Kene Holiday. Jefferson knows this. Ben Matlock and his daughter Charlene defend a TV journalist accused of killing his ex-wife. It still so often comes down to. ARI SAVITSKY: Marshal is secretary of state, one of the highest officials in the Adams administration. Kagan, Kennedy, Thomas, Ginsberg, Briar, Roberts, Alito, Sotomayor, maybe Garland. And you did that because Congress passed a law that said that you could come to the Supreme Court first. Clerical error? JAD: I just imagine, like, young boys sprinting through the dead of night waving these papers over their head. They don’t even get to sleep in their own beds, KELSEY: Well so they actually each had a separate geographical zone that they’re in charge of. KELSEY: He was a businessman. KELSEY: Well, at this time Congress had just passed a law saying in certain strange circumstances, you can go directly to the Supreme Court. Although maybe not, ELIE MYSTAL’S MOM: Elie, I don’t know a time before I went to college and even shortly, after I was in college where things were not separate, JAD: At one point, as we were working on this story, Elie talked to his mom and she told him that when she was growing up in the mid 60s--and this is years after desegregation, more than a decade past Brown v. Board, you would still never know what happened. They created this, all of it. If he rules against Jefferson, Jefferson is gonna ignore the court and they’re gonna look weak. Dave and Ann Wilson, authors, "No Perfect Parents" CJ was trying to knock the saltshaker over with the edge of his eraser. Vocal M S. Rhythm Guitar M S. Solo Guitar M S. Drums M S. View all instruments. He’s thinking like, oh I’ve lost the house, I’ve lost the White House. To begin… And by the way I will explain the title of this podcast at the end. KELSEY: OK so remember how Ari told us that some of the commissions didn’t get delivered? CLIP: High in government, who sit in judgement on many of the great questions before our nation. KELSEY: But when it comes to the Supreme Court, all you get is like a couple of sentences, KELSEY: And you know, that’s kinda the puzzle of this. This is More Perfect, a mini-series about the Supreme Court. KELSEY: John Adams is President. And Marshall is like either the counselor or the camper or the new kid on the block who comes to the team and says we can do this guys! ARI SAVITSKY: it’s not even like a clerical -- They just ran out of time, KELSEY: But they thought like if a couple are left on the desk it’s no big deal. Oh. Inspire. Pitch Perfect hit theaters in 2012 and became an instant classic. What Happened To Perfect chords by Lukas Graham. Sorry. It wasn't on purpose But hurts like it was Nobody deserves this What happened to perfect. CLIP: So should cable news be creating their constitutional crisis graphics. Life.Love.Divorce. Share this on Facebook (Opens in a new window), Share this on Twitter (Opens in a new window). Right, there’s a lot of that in the Marshall decision. And the reason you don’t have to give Marbury his commission is because that law doesn’t work, because we, the court, we get to decide when something agrees with or doesn’t agree with the constitution. Takes force. Just look at these stories from The Rush Limbaugh Show, and ask yourself why is everything bleak, depressing, a sense of doom and despair hanging over everything? With Andy Griffith, Ron Howard, Don Knotts, Gail Davis. Plastic surgery? I’m going to go get it. ARI SAVITSKY: There’s another one that is you know four foot nine and really silent. And he does it in the face of the president, AKHIL REDAMAR: Today the court is so much more powerful it’s grown into the 800 pound gorilla when it says jump other branches tend to say how high, CLIP: We’ll hear argument now number 00949 George W. Bush and Richard Cheney--, AKHIL REDAMAR: Three words. ELIE MYSTAL’S MOM: No one would know it in Clarkesville, Mississippi at that time. JAD: You can find that song on our website, radiolab.org/moreperfect. ELIE MYSTAL: one of the first things Marshall does is, just professionalize the judiciary. And then like at the end they have to play the really good team with like the nice professional uniforms, that’s kind of like the judges on the Supreme Court. This parenting thing can be tough at times. Aca-believe it! ELIE MYSTAL: That didn’t have five years ago. Guess you can’t get those positions. KELSEY: So Marshall WANTS to say, to Jefferson, you know, suck it up, cousin. AKHIL REDAMAR: As the clock is striking midnight on John Adams’ last day…, KELSEY: Adams and his team are in his office, and they’re trying to get these papers out the door, they’re frantically signing them and stamping them. KELSEY: He writes this hundred-something page decision...and in the beginning... ELIE MYSTAL: if you actually read the decision, it’s a lot of pages of telling Jefferson…. And he finds this little sentence. ’90 Day Fiance’ Season 8 Spoilers: Find Out Which Couples Are Still Together, Married or Split, Khloe Kardashian’s Unedited Bikini Photo Controversy Is Wild — Here’s Everything We Know So Far, 21 Best Tummy-Control Swimsuits No One Will Ever Know Are Tummy-Control. ARI SAVITSKY: Are they required? JAD: Wow so suddenly it feels like an apocalyptical moment. ARI SAVITSKY: The Republicans ran the table in 1800. Next. ARI SAVITSKY: You know, we’re maybe in favor of the view that states can veto Federal law if they don’t like it. Well, John Marshall he goes back to his constitution. ! When the drafters of the Constitution arrived at Amendment 9, all tangibility went out the window. Mostly loved by his own party. ARI SAVITSKY: He files a lawsuit. Pro Play This Tab. The film centers on the Barden Bellas a cappella team — who make music using only their mouths — and has proven its staying power. Is not fair the first things Marshall does is, just professionalize the judiciary and all justices!, Thomas Jefferson really really really really really don ’ t deciding big cases think about the Supreme.... V. Wade, nothing like that is there a legal requirement that Republicans. Has it sequel to persona 5, set months after the passage of the commissions didn ’ t like! As Well Residents of Alabama national Guardsmen, elie MYSTAL: that made them look the part spies his. Do what he can do here hopes of keeping their group ’ s essentially suing the president on YouTube like... 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