saddest last words of celebrities

Wikipedia (Public Domain), 11. Take a read and delve into the following 15 disturbing last words by celebrities… 15. Why the actor most famous for his portrayal of Frankenstein's monster mentioned the Canadian actor is unknown. On his deathbed, he lay at a Boston hotel. His family was at his side while he passed away, his final words … Last words have a surprising way of sticking to our memories like glue. Sadly and terribly, Barnum exhibited her in New York and New England, raking in about $500 per day. There is something poignant about death that reminds us we are indeed all going to go someday. Are you curious what people have said? 1. I'm going back to bed. Sometimes profound, sometimes every day, here you will find a select collection of the last words spoken by various people that appear ironic in hindsight. Andre Luis, PaulWalkerMar09, CC BY-SA 3.0, 24. Wikipedia (Public Domain), 18. He called his 5th Symphony, “Fate knocking at the door.” On his deathbed, his final words were, “Friends applaud, the Comedy is over.” … Why Empaths Always Fall In Love With Potential. That's just life. He mixed prescription medicine with sleeping pills. _g1.classList.remove('lazyload'); Stan Laurel (1890-1965)No, but I'd rather be skiing than doing what I'm doing. Fire! upon arrival at the hospital due to a massive loss of blood. See also: Famous Suicide Notes 36 Famous People and Their Famous Last Words Kurt Cobain(1967-1994) var _g1; These Are His Last Recorded Words At The End Of A Cell Phone Call Before Beamer And Others Attempted To Storm The Airliner's Cockpit To Retake It From Hijackers. Here are 25 Famous Last Words That Might Make You Cry. Right before he shot himself, he said to his wife, “Goodnight, my kitten.”. Before she died, she was confined to her bed and left a note. Good luck with your show. With a final tweet, he did it again. “Fire! On his deathbed, he said, “It’s me. Death Last Words Memories Sad Uncategorized. designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to The man then raised a .38-caliber pistol and shot Switzer in the groin. In his last words, Caesar allegedly exclaimed over the fact that his friend and relative Brutus took part in his murder. It’s time. Here you'll find all collections you've created before. Al Jolson (1886-1950)This is it! … Wikipedia (Public Domain), 17. } 33 People Confess The Cruelest Thing They Ever Did To An Ex. 51 People Reveal The Most Pathetic Thing An Ex Ever Said To Try To Get Them Back. Last words or final words are a person's final articulated words, stated prior to death or as death approaches. - John Greenleaf Whittier He awoke each morning with the desire to do right, to be a good and meaningful person, to be, as simple as it sounded and as impossible as it actually was, happy. Aileen Wuornos. It belongs to him. Jeanette MacDonald (1903-1965)I love you. The Famous Last Words Of 41 Historical Greats. The last words of Marie Antoinette, extravagant wife of Louis XVI of France – who, according to rumour, had dismissed starving peasants with a flippant “let them eat cake”. I knew it! (Public Domain), 2. Why that's the last thing I'll do! Edmund Gwenn (1877-1959)Yes, it's tough, but not as tough as doing comedy. Oh wow. In the play, Hamlet's father is murdered by Claudius, Hamlet's uncle, who drips poison into the doomed man's ear as he sleeps. _g1 = document.getElementById('g1-logo-inverted-img'); John Wayne Gacy. Wikipedia (Public Domain), 21. This is one of the last photos taken of Steve Jobs before his death in October 5th, 2011 at his home in California. 'Famous last words' are often impromptu sayings, spoken by the dying person for the first (and, of course, last) time on their deathbed. It read, “I must go in; the fog is rising.”. to death and his last words are recorded in the Bible: “Lord do not charge them with this sin.” When Christians die, they often report, on their death bed, of seeing angels. Right before he drove off in his Porche and got into his fatal car accident, Paul Walker told Jim Torp, “We will be back in five minutes.”, Famous playwright Eugene O’Neill was born in at the Broadway Hotel in what is now Time Square. He died due to complications arising from a relapse of his previously treated pancreatic cancer. Wikipedia (Public Domain), 23. LLAP” LLAP, of course, stands for Live Long and Prosper. He shocked fans when he announced he had terminal pancreatic cancer. 25 Famous Last Words That Might Make You Cry, Source:, Source:, Source:, Source:, Source:, Source:, Source:, Source:, Source:, Source:, Source:, Source:, Source:, Source:, Source:, Source:, Source:, Source:, Source:, Source:, Source:, Source:, Source:, Source:, Source:, 25 Fascinating Hubble Telescope Images You’ve Got To See, 25 Crazy Cartoon Conspiracy Theories Some Believe To Be True, Top 25 Best Things to Watch on Apple TV Plus, 25 Best and Surprising Ways To Experience Music, 5 Best Keurig Coffee Makers of 2021 – Review & Buying Guide, 5 Best Enzymatic Cleaners of 2021 – Reviews & Buying Guide, 5 Best Business Strategy Video Games of 2021 – Review & Buying Guide, 5 Best Bladeless Fans of 2021 – Review & Buying Guide, US Navy-031029-CLOSEUP-N-6236G-001 A painting of President John Adams (1735-1826), 2nd president of the United States, by Asher B. Durand (1767-1845), 25 Celebrity Deaths We Still Can’t Believe Are True, 25 Celebrity Graves Of Larger-Than-Life Personalities, 25 Craziest Discoveries Made by Ordinary People, 25 Obnoxiously Expensive Celebrity Purchases That Seem Over The Top. Gage Skidmore, Leonard Nimoy by Gage Skidmore, CC BY-SA 3.0, 5. “My grandfather on his deathbed said, ‘they have no eyes’; still gives me chills.”. Howie Berlin, Heath Ledger, CC BY-SA 2.0. No Barrymore would allow such a conventional thing to happen to him. Over the years, famous people have said some truly haunting and sad things on their deathbeds. By using LiveAbout, you accept our, Sir Laurence Olivier, English Film and Shakespearean Actor, Academy Awards Trivia and Interesting Facts, Biography of Marilyn Monroe, Model and Actress, Rudolph Valentino: Iconic "Latin Lover" Became Hollywood Activist, Biography of Bette Davis, First Lady of the American Screen, Tallulah Bankhead: Flamboyant Actress and TV Host, Hugh Grant Sings and Dances His Way Through 'Music and Lyrics', 3 Famous Star Wars Quotes (That Were Never Said), Famous Celebrities Who Passed for White in Hollywood's Golden Age, Biography of Roddy McDowall, Planet of the Apes Star, Famous Last Words: Fictional Characters, Books and Plays, Famous Last Words: Kings, Queens, Rulers & Royalty, Words of Inspiration: Grief, Loss and Mourning, Words of Inspiration: Proverbs and Folk Sayings, How to Write a Eulogy: 5 Tips for Success. Timothy McVeigh killed 168 people by placing a bomb in the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma in 1995. Humphrey Bogart (1899-1957)I should never have switched from scotch to martinis. Sarah W. via flickr. 30 Last Meals Of Infamous Criminals Before They Were Executed. But as to myself I seem to have been only like a boy playing on the seashore and diverting myself now and then in finding a smoother pebble or a prettier shell than the ordinary, whilst the great ocean of truth lay all undiscovered before me.”, Many knew Michael Landon as the actor from Little House on the Prairie and Bonanza. Whether realized at the time they are said or only in hindsight, nearly everyone will express a word, phrase or sentence that proves the last thing he or she ever says while alive. (Public Domain), 22. The 2nd President of the United States, John Adams, is infamously known to have an on and off relationship with Thomas Jefferson. Marilyn Monroe (1926-1962)Say goodbye to Pat, say goodbye to Jack and say goodbye to yourself, because you're a nice guy. Cary Grant (1904-1986)I love you, Barbara. Last Words of Saints and Sinners: 700 Final Quotes from the Famous, the Infamous, and the Inspiring Figures of History. Desi Arnaz (1917-1986)I love you too, Honey. While singing at a nightclub in Florida, Eddy suffered a stroke on stage and died several hours later. Chris Raymond is an expert on funerals, grief, and end-of-life issues. Get the best viral stories straight into your inbox! Hospitalized in Los Angeles, his last words recorded were, “This is no way to live!”, Winston Churchill bravely led England and the allies through World War II but kept active after it. 2. I should say not, dear fellow. Good luck with your show. There’s fire everywhere!”. Other suicide notes or famous last words said very little, such as the simple good bye uttered by poet Hart Crane before he jumped to his (presumed) death. Copyright © 2011 - 2019 List25 LLC. Famous Last Words Karl Marx `Last words are for fools who havn`t said enough` There is something so powerful about this sentence. His last words were, “I knew it! I am leaving you with your worries in this sweet cesspool -- good luck. Words can make you feel so many things right. Benjamin Franklin accomplished quite a lot in life. Sometimes these words have zero connection to their lives or predicted coming of death, but most of the time they do. He was one of America’s founding fathers, an inventor, and author. These famous last words can sometimes be ironically funny and other times eloquent and truly deep. In his suicide note, Hunter S. Thompson wrote, “Relax. Every single one of us is born with a death sentence. Former editor of the world’s most widely read magazine for funeral directors. Rock Hudson (1925-1985)No, I don't think so. Jane Austen is a novelist who needs no introduction. Carl Switzer (1927-1959)I'm going to kill you! Ludwig Van Beethoven is one of the most legendary composers of all time. Be they famous for their art or infamous for their crimes, when the most groundbreaking members of society speak, the world listens, all the way up until their final moments. Wikipedia (Public Domain), 12. Some are simple words and others long paragraphs, but their poignancy might resonate, making you curl up into a ball and cry. The slender half of Laurel and Hardy said this to his nurse, who had asked if Laurel skied after the comedian initially uttered, "I wish I was skiing.". Before he died, he said to his sister, “Katie, Katie, look…it’ll be fine, you know, I just need to get some sleep.”, Photo:25. I love you all.”, In her last days, famous singer and actress Whitney Houston spoke to her friends and family about Jesus. I feel I have lived long enough. Like az oxigén nélkül. List25 25 Deceased Celebrities Whose Stunning Final Words Will Haunt You Although these prolific stars may no longer be with us, their legacy will always live on. 13 of the Most Disturbing Last Words from Death Row Prisoners 1. Every passing year induces a sense of sad nostalgia when we’re forced to read about the deaths of celebrities that have been an integral part of our lives. This was Hudson's reply when asked if he wanted some more coffee. } catch(e) {}. if ( localStorage.getItem(skinItemId ) ) { Actor and director Leonard Nimoy entertained and enlightened us for years on Star Trek. After all, these are going to be your last words—your final bit of wit or insight to share with the world. He called his 5th Symphony, “Fate knocking at the door.” On his deathbed, his final words were, “Friends applaud, the Comedy is over.”, With his charismatic personality and enthusiasm for wildlife, he educated us about some of the world’s most dangerous creatures. On his deathbed, his last words were, “Oh wow. Stewart's wife, Gloria, preceded him in death by three years. With his wife by his side, he said, “I’m losing it.”, Huge Hollywood actress Joan Crawford was diagnosed with cancer in her 70’s. _g1 = document.getElementById('g1-logo-inverted-source'); Sadly, Steve Irwin passed away when he was struck in the chest by a stingray. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program The night before she died, she told her friend, “I’m gonna go see Jesus. Sadly, on her deathbed, all she could say was, “I want nothing but death.”. 2020 celebrity deaths: The saddest and most shocking ones so far. Suffering from terminal cancer, the comedian of Monty Python fame said this from his hospital bed after his adopted son arrived. Charlie Chaplin (1889-1977)Why not? Presearch, US Navy-031029-CLOSEUP-N-6236G-001 A painting of President John Adams (1735-1826), 2nd president of the United States, by Asher B. Durand (1767-1845), CC BY-SA 3.0, 13. Or profound. He wrote, “A life is like a garden. John Wayne Gacy was convicted of the rape and murder of 33 men between 1972 and his arrest in 1978. The Plane … "Rosebud" is one of the most famous last lines in movie history, but we have to watch all of Citizen Kane to discover what makes it so sad. (Public Domain), 20. Errol Flynn (1909-1959)I've had a hell of a lot of fun and I've enjoyed every minute of it. The famous inventor Thomas Edison lay in a coma before his death. Joan Crawford (1904-1977)Damn it... Don't you dare ask God to help me. Oh wow.”, Famous scientist and mathematician Isaac Newton pushed the sciences forward great leaps and bounds. 19 Haunting Last Words Of Famous People. 109 people died on board, and First Officer Donald’s final words were ‘Pete, sorry.’ Presumably he’s apologising for his aviation mistake, but without context the apology could be like ‘Sorry for crashing your car that time’ or ‘Sorry for sleeping with your wife.’ 6 – Air Asia Flight QZ8501, The portly half of Laurel and Hardy expressed this to his wife. Enter your account data and we will send you a link to reset your password. Perhaps they hold an echo of wisdom or a biting witticism — or at least a hint about who's getting what in the will. For all sad words of tongue and pen, The saddest are these, ‘It might have been’. Laurence Olivier (1907-1989)This isn't Hamlet, you know. All Rights Reserved. George Sanders (1906-1972)Dear World, I am leaving you because I am bored. Television's original Superman said this to friends before he committed suicide. Quite often they hear the most beautiful singing they’ve ever heard. Lucille Ball (1911-1989)My Florida water. Groucho Marx (1890-1977)Die, my dear? Epitomizing style, sophistication and elegance throughout his life, Grant uttered these words to his wife as he was taken into intensive care after suffering a stroke. _g1.setAttribute('srcset', _g1.getAttribute('data-srcset')); _g1.setAttribute('src', _g1.getAttribute('data-src') ); She saw her doctor the night before her death, and Winehouse stated, “I don’t want to die.” She died of alcohol toxicity. On his deathbed, Adams said, “Thomas Jefferson still survives.” Little did he know, Jefferson had died hours earlier. LiveAbout uses cookies to provide you with a great user experience. I feel fine. Wikipedia (Public Domain), 3. Actor Heath Ledger wowed us in his performance as The Joker in the movie The Dark Knight but behind the scenes, he suffered from insomnia, complaining about not being able to go to sleep. Wikipedia (Public Domain), 6. Jack Mitchell, Truman Capote by Jack Mitchell, CC BY-SA 4.0, 16. At the height of the French revolution, Louis and Marie were charged with treason and sentenced to the guillotine. —EuclideanMan. In 1998, he suffered a horrible heart attack that left him critical until he died. He said before he died, “I don’t know what I may seem to the world. We all have to die sometime. I'm going. Arnaz said this to his former wife, Lucille Ball, over the telephone . Other examples feature artists using the best of their skills to leave a beautiful final message, such as Sergei Esenin's poem. Born in a hotel room and, goddamn it, dying in a hotel room.”, Working as a writer for radio and television for years, spinning stories for popular soap operas, Charles Gussman said before he died, “And now for a final word from our sponsor…”, Famous comedian Groucho Marx died in 1977. Or both, if you can manage it. List25® is a registered trademark. 2. I’m cold.” Buddy was his childhood nickname. Last words have always fascinated people. Crawford allegedly uttered these words to her maid, who had started praying for the actress. George Reeves (1914-1959)I'm tired. Richard Burton (1925-1984)Our revels now are ended. 2020 was no exception, and with a handful of months to go, we have lost scores of stars who have become household names. No matter how much their contributions to society have shaped culture, famous individuals are either loved or loathed and are not exempt to the inevitable end. I can't hear. “They have no eyes.”. Jackie Gleason (1916-1987)I always knew what I was doing. The King of Pop Michael Jackson was tragically addicted to propofol, and his doctor, Conrad Murray, continued to give it to him even when he shouldn’t have. "Alfalfa" was pronounced D.O.A. Often paired with actor/singer Nelson Eddy in Hollywood musicals, MacDonald expressed this sentiment to her husband, Gene Raymond. Sometimes profound, sometimes everyday, here you will find a select collection of the last words spoken by famous actors and actresses of cinema, television and stage. Check out this list of famous last lines from historic poets and the strange, sad, and interesting tales that accompany them. For the record, Hope was interred in the Mission San Fernando Rey de Espana Cemetery in Los Angeles, California. The star of numerous productions of Shakespeare's plays, Olivier said this to his nurse, who'd spilled water on the actor while moistening his lips. Share Share Tweet Email Comment. In her last days, two nurses came by her side and started praying. Before he died, he said, “A dying man can do nothing easy.”, One of the most famous American authors in history, Ernest Hemingway traveled the world and found great success and failure in his publishing career. Appropriately, it is reported that Barnum’s famous last words were about the show, which was appearing in New York’s Madison Square Garden … Jean Harlow (1911-1937)Where is Aunt Jetty? 33 Short Quotes That Could Change Your Life In Less Than 20 Words. According to his cameraman, his last words were, “I’m dying.”, Throughout his career, Steve Jobs revolutionized the technology industry. After reading these famous last words, check out our list of interesting quotes and history's best insults. Richard Giles, aka User rich115 on Flickr, Steve Irwin, CC BY 2.0, 10. Reaching the age of 90 in 1965, he said on his deathbed, “I’m bored with it all.”, American singer, actor, and entertainer Frank Sinatra was a force to be reckoned with in the 1950’s. "Alfalfa" from the Our Gang series of film shorts allegedly said this while confronting Moses Samuel Stiltz about payment of a $50 debt that the child-star believed Stiltz owed him. Found on AskReddit. Rama, Amy Winehouse f5048439, CC BY-SA 2.0 FR, 1. Famed for her many novels, she always seemed to have a way with words. You surely noticed that lately movies and comics that inspire kids are not exclusively addressed to children anymore. The closer to death, the more beautiful the sound. She said before she died, “Don’t you dare ask God to help me.”, Perhaps one of the most well-known poets of all time, Emily Dickinson was delicate in her last days. Jimmy Stewart (1908-1997)I'm going to go be with Gloria now. Don't worry. Much has been made about the final utterances of acclaimed actors, writers, comedians, and public figures, because we expect the very best from famous people whose careers were built on wit, charm, and genius, even while they're knocking on death's door.Maybe a politician or soldier's last words perfectly encapsulate their life's work. 1 of 24. I love you too, Honey. Amy Winehouse’s music career skyrocketed but along with the success came drugs and alcohol addiction. * As Benjamin Franklin lay dying at the age of 84, his daughter told him to change position in bed so he could breathe more easily. The radio and film star said this to his wife, Dolores, after she asked him where he wanted to be buried. Nelson Eddy (1901-1967)I can't see. Famous Last Words - While poets may not always experience the most poetic of deaths, many mark their final moments with the most lyrical, memorable, funny—and occasionally mysterious—last words. This won’t hurt.” The prolific and acclaimed writer shot himself in the head. Truman Capote was a journalist and novelist famous for his true crime novel, In Cold Blood. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. He built Apple into a technology powerhouse but tragically had suffered from pancreatic cancer for ten years. try { Death last words memories sad uncategorized. Whether realized at the time they are said or only in hindsight, nearly everyone will express a word, phrase or sentence that proves the last thing he or she ever says while alive. Still, sometimes we need to hear their words to get that little ounce of inspiration or revelation to live life to the fullest. Sometimes profound, sometimes everyday, here you will find a select collection of the last words spoken by famous actors and actresses of cinema, television and stage. One of the first things we think of when we say it’s not kid-friendly are shocking scenes, especially deaths. 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Wikipedia (Public Domain), 19. I want the sunlight to greet me! I want to see Jesus.”. It's not meant to go into the bloody ear. He died in the LA home of Joanne Carson. Bourbon... John Barrymore (1882-1942)Die? Born in St. Petersburg, Russia, the British actor wrote these words in a suicide note before taking his life in a hotel in Spain. Share; The famous last words in the gallery above serve as an apt reminder that no one, not even the larger than life, can predict their end -- or for that matter, know exactly what they will say upon their dying breath. I'm going. One or the other. It’s Buddy. Famous Last Words: Apt Observations, Pleas, Curses, Benedictions, Sour Notes, Bons Mots, and Insights from People on the Brink of Departure. Probably apocryphal, the silent-film star allegedly said this in response to a priest at Chaplin's deathbed who had said, "May the Lord have mercy on your soul.". Zoran Veselinovic, Michael Jackson in 1988, CC BY-SA 2.0, 4. Thomas Grasso. More From Thought Catalog. Before he died, he said, “You’re right. Get a glimpse into their final moments on Earth with their eerie, thoughtful, or even funny final words. Rudolph Valentino (1895-1926)Don't pull down the blinds. Arnaz said this to his former wife, Lucille Ball, over the telephone. The man who assassinated President Abraham Lincoln was a well-known stage actor from a prominent theatrical family. CC BY 2.0, 14. Douglas Fairbanks Sr. (1883-1939)I've never felt better. Julius Caesar was assassinated by a group of rivals. The comedienne and star of I Love Lucy replied with these words when asked if she wanted anything. Wikipedia (Public Domain), 8. photo by Alan Light, Michael Landon 1990, CC BY 2.0, 7. The blonde bombshell allegedly said these words to actor Peter Lawford, President John F. Kennedy's brother-in-law, over the telephone the night she died. Judging by the popularity of famous last words, there’s a lot of pressure to be exceptionally clever with your final breath. In 1990, Thomas J. Grasso was convicted of strangling 87-year-old Hilda Johnson with her Christmas tree lights. By Cheish Merryweather Published Jul 11, 2017. Matthew Yohe at en.wikipedia, Steve Jobs Headshot 2010, CC BY-SA 3.0, 9. Most of us can remember exactly where we were when hearing the news a much-loved public figure had died. "Kris Kringle" from the film Miracle on 34th Street allegedly said this after a friend commented that it is "hard to die.". Todd Beamer Was A Passenger On United Flight 93, September 11, 2001. The addiction led to Jackson’s eventual death and in his last words he said, “Milk.” Milk was his term for propofol. Wikipedia (Public Domain), 15. When he awoke briefly, he said, “It is very beautiful over there.”, Ludwig Van Beethoven is one of the most legendary composers of all time. And, he was not a man of few words. To use social login you have to agree with the storage and handling of your data by this website. John Wilkes Booth (1838-1865)Useless, useless.

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