blogs written in afrikaans

Whoever hears it will perfectly get your mood and intention, and may even follow suit. Created in February 2005 by three guys, YouTube was bought over by Google just over a year later for more than a billion dollars, because people loved it. Excellent! So, you won’t be using this question to quibble about the cost of something. Make your own learning tool! This is a phrase used to ask for one’s name and surname, and it’s mostly used in official situations. Rooibostee is prepared like any other tea, by steeping it in just-boiled water for a few minutes. Stay Nice Guest House; Main Straat, 48 Blouberg Strand]. Goodbye, Magda.”). Just like Tasché Burger’s voice, Koos du Plessis’ deep tones are wrapped around impeccable Afrikaans. As mentioned, in Afrikaans syntax these always contain two gesegdes (“verbs” or “clauses”). or Totsiens! However, you can expect the interview to be based on this formula, consisting of four mandatory phases: It should be clear that the tester will be looking at your ability to use Afrikaans effectively and appropriately in real-life situations. For this, you’ll need at least the most basic vocabulary to get by, such as knowing how to ask for an item’s price in a shop. Afrikaans is a West-Germanic language, very closely related to Dutch. We recommend that you take a good look at their official sites, and follow the instructions indicated. Yeah well, duh…! Totsiens is a contraction of Tot weersiens, which literally means “Till I see you again.” Of course, the implication is that you wish the person well until you see each other again. After learning our language, few things would prepare you better for this adventure than getting to know our country’s people! And the first sentence to learn in Afrikaans is definitely: Here, too, AfrikaansPod101 scores high. Cameradie is important, especially if the goodbye is difficult. The lamb can be replaced with mutton, but the meat’s cooking time will likely be longer.Indian cuisine exerts a large influence on South African foods, as over a million Indians have made South Africa their home. Log In. How you say goodbye in Afrikaans, concerning your gestures and actions, will definitely depend on how well you know the people. Also be sure to check out even more tips on How To Say Hello in Afrikaans Like a Native Speaker! As a complement, you can also learn How to Say Hello in Afrikaans in our dedicated blog post before continuing with this one. For the more advanced Afrikaans students, we’ve found some wonderful videos outlining the history of Afrikaans and its many dialects, plus some awesome comedy to keep those belly-laughs coming. Birthdays are special. Obviously, fill in your own city or town of residence! The meaning of this inspirational quote is obvious: Don’t give up! What are the 18 worst fashion faux... Read more . And it makes sense! Supplement these with this list of Afrikaans compliments! You can also modify the question by adding: … in Amerikaanse dollars / “…in American dollars.”, 9.2 Dit kos ses-honderd Rand. Depending on the conjunction, you could ask yourself this question: Unlike in English, which categorizes conjunctions into three groups, Afrikaans categorizes them into only two groups. Opperman. Note: Only in much-extended sentences will you be able to apply the STOMPI rule completely. ), because your persistence will pay off. / “I don’t speak Afrikaans.”. An item’s price is its price, and it’s almost never negotiable. Trilled Rs definitely don’t have the same sound as the gentler-sounding rolled R common in English pronunciation. And none can beat them! This is an antiquated way to ask for someone’s name. Kom ons help hulle om die vertaling tog in hierdie millenium klaar te maak? The dictionary defines gratitude as foll... Planning to visit South Africa any time soon? 100% vir lekker blog in Afrikaans. 7,753 people follow this. The basic principle is this: Add a second ‘negation word’ in the final position. You don’t need to show off; you just need to be presentable by regular Western standards. Human translations with examples: dws, sapa, cv in afrikaans, sabs in afrikaans. First, let’s clarify this—no language is objectively easy to learn. Take, for instance: vinger + nael (“fingernail”). Let’s get started. As mentioned, we don’t love public displays of strong emotion, as it makes us feel vulnerable.Unless you’re very close! They’re showing that they like and want to know more about you. Avoid embarrassment and impress your Afrikaner boss or friend with your superior spelling skills! The Afrikaans dialect took on a different flavour with the arrival of slaves in the Cape. 3.3 My woonadres is ___ [e.g. Look at this joke in English, for instance: Question: What is the longest sentence in the English language? But then, only a peck. “Shall we start?” / “Okay, let us start.”, “I have another meeting at one o’clock, so…”. It gives red wines a very unique, but distinctly rooibos, flavor. Learn much faster with the help of a personal tutor, A) Top 10 Afrikaans Quotes for Inspiration and Life. So it can appear pretty daunting to learn! So, if you need to get things done properly in business and the workplace, appoint an Afrikaner. You’ll have access to the following and more: What’s not to love? Community See All. Afrikaners like chatting with everyone, especially in the rural areas of the country! No valuable discipline is ever gained overnight! Sign up for a free online course now, and create a lifetime account. This is a positive and uplifting birthday message for a friend, a family member, or any special person! To get there, she received a total of over ten million votes! Start with a bonus, and download the Must-Know Beginner Vocabulary PDF for FREE! Emphasis on the third syllable will sound like you split the words. Afrikaners like friendly people! 3.2 Ek bly tans in Kaapstad. We’d be happy to help you this way. That said, there’s nothing wrong with saying bye in Afrikaans this way if you opt to do so! 1. Each month, we add benefits with FREE bonuses and gifts to improve your experience. Speak like a native in no time! There are a number of mistakes in Afrikaans concerning vocabulary and grammar that you should keep an eye out for. Even if they’re being introduced to you by their first names, wait for them to give you permission to address them informally. Die mense van wil graag vir ons wordpress blogge in Afrikaans gee, maar hulle praat nie die Taal nie. The next item on our South African food list is a very popular and commonly enjoyed Afrikaans tea with some superhero health properties. 5.1. So showing what’s going on in your heart will usually be appreciated and reciprocated. As you’ll see in the comments section, our students get A’s in language classes using our videos. / “What are you called?” (Roughly translated). Let me explain by adding context in an example situation. 1.7 Jy mag my op my naam noem. Translation: “I’m going to look up my cousin.”, However, splitting the words will turn them into a known term: op soek. Afrikaans is the world’s youngest official language. ), 2. the punishment assigned to a defendant found guilty by a court, or fixed by law for a specific offence. You really don’t want to look like you’re advertising something other than your business or products. Soos meeste dinge in WordPress, is dit dan ook maar al wat jy hoef te doen. Then make a fuss of the reply, no matter what. This is not an easy question to answer! Be sensitive to the signals she sends you, and if she doesn’t indicate that it’s okay, or if you’re not sure, don’t reach for a hug at all! Sometimes I need expert advice.”. This is another sound in Afrikaans that learners find difficult! In Afrikaans, they also still make sense when the neweskikkende voegwoord (“coordinating sentence”) is removed, and can function as simple sentences. Do you know what one of the best things about the Afrikaans language is? This list is not exhaustive, and you’ll see that some are loan words from other languages. Ek sal gou-gou die stappe hier vir jou verduidelik (sal net werk vir mense wat ftp toegang tot hul webruimte het): Blaai na Afrikaanse vertaling van WordPress 2.0 of Afrikaanse vertaling van WordPress 1.5, afhangende van jou WordPress weergawe, en klik die “Download” skakel in die liker keuselys. Die mense van wil graag vir ons wordpress blogge in Afrikaans gee, maar hulle praat nie die Taal nie. Questions are language constructs we use to elicit information from other people, making them crucial in communication! Of course, you can replace the business name with one of your choice. If you pronounce the word with the emphasis on the second syllable, you’ll probably not be understood. It’s seldom used as a stand-alone goodbye in Afrikaans, but rather gets used like this: Totsiens en kyk mooi na jouself, Magda. AfrikaansPod101 takes the lead with many excellent Afrikaans learning tools to help you master the language easily and almost effortlessly. As explained earlier, we’re well-geared to help you master this sonorous language for conversations. This quote is great for wedding or engagement speeches, as well as a meaningful anniversary affirmation. Also, tafel + poot (“table leg”), which gets written as one word: tafelpoot. Not Now. Use this phrase when you’re being introduced to another person. If they indicate that they want you closer for a bear hug or an air kiss, then fine, but it’s better for you not to initiate this yourself. The conversation is continuously adapted by the rater based on the testee’s interests and abilities, so it’s highly personalized and relates to real life. Traveling, working, or planning to stay? Here are some hits we recommend: Who doesn’t love movies?! Be on time for the meeting, or even better, be five minutes early! It’s the majority language of Namibia and South Africa, estimated to be spoken by over 20 million people. Most Afrikaans goodbyes are Anglicized, meaning they’re taken from the English language. Unless you intend to seduce, of course! The ACTFL is one of the oldest institutions of its kind. Dit het baie soek en vinnig leer gekos, maar nou is WordPress in Afrikaans vertaal. Two types of Afrikaans exams are on offer, depending on your needs. Therefore, there’s no noun classification or corresponding verb conjugation like in, for instance, French and Italian. We love this rapping video with its totally cute cast. Get cracking on this list of the top Afrikaans questions and answers! See more of Afrikaans on Facebook. Language Keroshan Pillay February 14, 2017 Lydende Vorm Comments Loop en Val - deur Louis Esterhuizen. get your own native Afrikaans-speaking teacher, Foreign Language Achievement Testing Service (FLATS). For instance, you could confidently use this goodbye phrase with acquaintances in the workplace or when parting ways with someone you met at a party. That said, our Premium PLUS option supplies a guided learning system to help ensure you don’t make a fool of yourself when meeting your Afrikaans business client. Rooibostee is particularly excellent for soothing acne and brightening a dull complexion. It can denote slight formality, but older, very polite or official Afrikaners often use it as a standard parting phrase. Translation: “The rain sometimes sneaks over the mountains to bring relief.”. / “What is your number?”. Level: All Levels This slightly adapted quote was said to be first uttered by Ed Cunningham, U.S. TV sports announcer and personality. Share this → YOU MAY ALSO ENJOY: CREATE THE BEST FIRST IMPRESSION – JOZISTYLE / RADIO 702. We also don’t insist that you only stick to our site (which is crammed with a great amount of awesome goodies, of course! This is a well-known quip that’s been doing the rounds. 5.3 Ek is ‘n vliëenier. (Read on for more about that.). Translation: “Growing old is inevitable; growing up is not!”. For this, we have a rule-of-thumb in Afrikaans: the oft-quoted STOMPI rule. The Best Videos to Learn Afrikaans on YouTube, the simple but elegant lyrics are easy to follow, (After enrollment, you could learn that here, Eleven Common Ways to Say Goodbye in Afrikaans, Body Language and Gestures When You Say Goodbye in Afrikaans. (Een donker nag… so week gelede… deur ‘n lêptoppie op ‘n groot, vuil lessenaar aan die Kaapse Suidkus… so tussendeur die stoeiery met die blêrrie 3G kaartjie wat maar net nie wil 3G nie…) Die geringde nafi sluip deur die kuberruim na waar WordPress, die uitstekende web-joernaal dienssagteware, wag om (gratis, vry en verniet) afgelaai te word. Prepositions show a relationship between an object and another element in the sentence. This quote often refers to someone who adapts the truth to suit the company they’re in, a trait which makes you unreliable, or even dishonest. / “It costs six-hundred Rand.”. There are two distinct ways of using this goodbye in Afrikaans. This is how the online dictionary defines it: 1. a set of words in most languages that is complete in itself, usually containing a subject and a clause that states something about the subject (A clause is a phrase or a part of a sentence. The brain processes music differently than speech, and singing tends to be much more fun too. 3. How will this help? Kids love its smooth, sweet taste and it’s certainly a perfect replacement for sugar-loaded fizzy drinks. Halitosis is never a deal-maker. Which of these YouTube channels or videos are you most interested in watching, and why? Attributed to U.S. President Woodrow Wilson, this quote expresses the superior value of true friendship. ), Sample: Ek is op soek na my niggie. Even the most stubborn, anti-vegetable carnivores are guaranteed to gobble up the veggies! It usually precedes the object of the sentence (which is a noun, a pronoun, or a clause/phrase with either). These are not even, strictly speaking, social gaffes. The pronunciation of zon (“sun”) became son in Afrikaans. For an unusual pairing of seafood and chicken, consider this Surf and Turf potjie. Also known as Koos Doep, he was a successful editor and journalist for prominent South African publications, but it was through music and poetry that he gave expression to his pensive and sensitive side. And when you’re alone, do it out loud with a recorder. “We’ve spoken a lot over the phone already! Afrikaans is the official language of South Africa and also a recognized minority language in Namibia. So, you’re dealing with an Afrikaans client and really want to impress them. Translation: “Friendship is the only cement that will ever hold the world together.”. If asked in a non-confrontational manner, it could ease the atmosphere and allow the angry person to blow off steam. Afrikaans does pose some challenges, however. You’ll be happy with us—there’s no question about it! Glance here, for instance, to get a pretty comprehensive list of South African foods. Tip: Afrikaners tend to have romantic souls! This line makes fun of the cliché that when one opportunity is lost, another one appears. gives you the opportunity to receive useful and authentic knowledge from our experts, they Writing An Essay In Afrikaans are available 24/7 for your support. / “What is your birth date?”, 9.2 My verjaarsdag is 22 November. This will change their meaning. Goose, Her Book (1906). Melkkos’ taste and creamy texture is very similar to the well-known (and beloved!) When you say goodbye, body language is just as important as the words you use. So, falling in love with Afrikaans music could be the start of a phenomenal love affair in your life. So at, we make sure that you master the Afrikaans you need to connect with them. This is really super-uncomplicated and very easy to learn and understand! ... As a complement, you can also learn How to Say Hello in Afrikaans in our dedicated blog post before continuing with this one. 6.1 Praat jy Engels? Link: Kuiken Storie Klein Hen | Sprokies verhale | Afrikaanse Stories | AFRIKAANS FAIRY TALES Source: Black Sash News September 1957 Volume 2 Number 8. Translation: “The pen is mightier than the sword and considerably easier to write with.”. This colloquial goodbye phrase is pretty self-explanatory—use it when you want to indicate that an encounter with someone has been a pleasant experience. What do you think would be your favorite South African food? Similar drinks and puddings are popular around Asian and African countries, India, and other regions. Object               vir die Kapenaars writing translation in English-Afrikaans dictionary. You can use this saying to comment on something that’s useless to you, like this: Hierdie mes is omtrent so bruikbaar soos ‘n handvol vlieë om sop mee te eet. This type of practicing can be great fun. (“THEY ARE GOING TO SLEEP OVER IN THE BEST HOTEL.”). A single good friend can mean the world and make all the difference. The nuance is very subtle, but young people—or other Afrikaners who know each other extremely well—won’t, as a rule, say goodbye in Afrikaans this way. Punning is the art of using an alternate meaning of a word in a comical way. Uit die staanspoor, (one of many Afrikaans phrases meaning from the very start or the get-go), an almost peerless way to improve your skills in Afrikaans is to work with a native Afrikaans-speaker. through my mind, one day this could be me. Make sure to keep the tissues close for everyone, though; your efficiency will be appreciated. Geur melkkos met kaneelsuiker. These days, it’s mostly used by older Afrikaners. (“It’s late, I must run.”). Soet mieliebrood (“sweet cornbread”) is close, but not 100% similar, to its American cousin with the same name. This saying can be used to reframe a setback or an unpleasant experience at work, in relationships, or concerning important projects. This could imply that you’re still living there, but not necessarily. Each letter is matched with vocabulary and images for easier understanding, and to help enhance your pronunciation skills. YouTube has them for you, because nothing beats listening to a good fairytale! Fortunately not for all, but for some, that’s marriage! Note that Ek / “I” can be replaced with other pronouns, such as jou (you, plural) / julle (you) / ons (we) / sy (she) / hy (he) / hulle (they). Remember the outlandish versions we mentioned? Watch it a few times and take notes! You won’t sound like a native if you roll your Rs in Afrikaans, but we won’t berate you! It’s used as a slightly sarcastic retort in response to someone who’s always pointing out the negative in any situation. The test isn’t comparative, meaning that your performance is not compared to other testers’. The object is that which the action is performed upon. For instance, saying booms instead of bome (“trees”) won’t work in Afrikaans. Or read our blog post about How to Find a Job in South Africa! For example: Clint vlieg die vliegtuig. The quote is obviously a humorous take on this truth! According to Writing Explained, inflections are the changes made to verbs, nouns, adjectives, etc., depending on what is being expressed (number, gender, case, voice, and so on). / “What are your full names, please?”. There’s not many blogs out there that’s written in the same tone as if your good friend was talking to you on a given subject. Very briefly, the following: 1. Afrikaners would find this inappropriate and scary. You could add your permanent residential address here, too. Learn more about pronouncing consonants in Afrikaans with our recorded lessons by native speakers, like this one: The Pronunciation of Consonants in Afrikaans. This can refer to where your birth and/or extended family still resides. A vital question in Afrikaans! This trilling sound is called the “dental and alveolar tap or flap” or an “alveolar consonant.”. See actions … It means you’re never going to see that person again, but these days (fortunately), its use is pretty outdated. Even if you don’t completely understand the content yet, it’s worth spending time on. We make it easier for you with our innovative approach to language-learning. DISCLAIMER. Siba Mtongana is the queen of chakalaka with this recipe, but it’s best to omit the tinned baked beans for the pap bake recipe. One South African teacher analyzed the lyrics of Afrikaans songs as poetry in her classroom, and found that her audience was not only a captive one, but that the music motivated both teacher and learners. 2.3 Ek is gebore in Utrecht en het daar grootgeword. Shorten it by leaving out in Afrikaans. Love.” It means that one doesn’t need a lot of friends to be happy in life. 0 Comments. It’s more of a polite conversation filler than a sincere wish. Die naam moet of plein “” wees, of “” (die taal afkorting en die land afkorting). This quote is pretty straightforward, and it’s especially good for use among couples who are a bit older. 5. You’d be more likely to get swift assistance if the native speaker understands that you can’t speak Afrikaans well yet. ii) Bywoordelike Bepalings: All adverbial words or clauses are called bywoordelike bepalings in Afrikaans syntax. These changes can be anything from a simple letter to a more complex affix. The antiquated response to the antiquated Afrikaans question above (1.2). Example 1 [Single word adjectives]: Die honger kind eet die lekker kos. If someone has done you harm, for instance, and then harm comes to them in some way or another, you might use this saying to comment on the situation. Like the question about age, we don’t ask this right after learning a person’s name. / “I currently live in Cape Town.”. Often, the local dominee (“pastor”), apteker (“pharmacist”), or skoolhoof (“school headmaster”) will use it as a friendly, benevolent phrase to see people off with. The IRL also offers completely computerized OPIs, but this testing option is not yet available for Afrikaans. If the conversation is informal, this is all you need to say in reply to question 5.1. This is an original Afrikaans saying and a funny way of asking someone why they’re angry. While we don’t like melodrama, we’ll understand if you’re too sad for a smile. Depending on the situation, slang is quite acceptable in our society. Good personal hygiene is important to Afrikaners, though. Rather, it appears to have come from a book written by a teacher named Arleen Lorrance, called The Love Project. With a good knowledge of Afrikaans, you can travel to the country and have a much richer experience. 1.3 Wat is jou volle name, asseblief? As mentioned, all verbs and clauses are called a gesegde (approximate: “clause”) in Afrikaans syntax. How will this help? Relax, though. 3.1 Wat is jou huisadres? Or from your slightly inebriated colleagues who don’t want to let you leave after a work party. DIE MAN WAT IN DIE ROOI SPORTSMOTOR RY MOET VOOR PARKEER. Use this only if the person is indeed inspiring and warm-hearted, of course. (Lit. Lydende Vorm - Passive Voice in Afrikaans. A staple of authentic South African cuisine, it’s definitely for the sweet-toothed and makes an extremely popular pre-meal snack to soak up the (inevitable) alcohol in the stomach. “Sentence” means two things in English. It can be used when meeting up with, or bumping into, an acquaintance or friend you haven’t seen for a long while. For example: een meisie vs. twee meisies (“one girl” vs. “two girls”) or een seun vs. twee seuns (“one son” vs. “two sons”). Blaai na die vertaling blad en vertaal so paar stringe Ingels. Cooking in cast iron pots lends the ingredients a unique and recognizable flavor—you may never want to eat chicken any other way again! Think “one car” but “two cars.” Or “one tree” but “two trees.”. On YouTube, Afrikaans films don’t always have subscripts, but following the story and watching the actors’ mouths could help you derive the accurate meaning of words, as well as how they’re pronounced. You’ll also be tasked with weekly assignments in reading, writing, and speaking, to really hone your Afrikaans language skills. Combine this phrase with the next one, if preferred. We tend to experience mistakes as either Tyrants or Teachers. You can use this in restaurants, for instance, to learn the price of a specific dish. Laat weet asseblief as jy ook wil deel wees van die Blog in Afrikaans beweging. However, Afrikaners sometimes use it as an out when we feel a bit stuck in a conversation or situation! Van Heerden, meet Morgan. This open-ended statement can be used on its own, since its implications are clear. Not a bad prospect. Insert the English word, or indicate what you mean. Your answer will probably include the name of a company and a location. It expresses a positive and benevolent wish for someone to enjoy an exceedingly good life. Answer vaguely if you don’t feel comfortable with this level of info-sharing yet. And they’re all free. Level: All Levels Post them below. Totsiens. Let us know in the comments if you’ve had any experience with these, or if you have any pressing questions about them. Offer your right hand and keep a respectful distance. Here’s a great hack, though: Once you’ve learned something, make sure you use it numerous times in conversation with your native Afrikaans-speaker or Afrikaans tutor. Let’s start with two basic phrases for phone conversations: how to make a call and how to answer one. However, it’s also a firm winner as an iced tea! Parts of sentences are grouped under this heading when they are of equal importance in terms of meaning. Like a young child, be willing to make stupid and seemingly millions of mistakes when speaking Afrikaans, especially at first. Given Afrikaans’ roots, if you can speak Dutch, you’ll find that learning Afrikaans is quite a lot easier, too. Compound sentences consist of two or more clauses or simple sentences with ideas that relate to each other. Nowadays, that’s a crime in South Africa, even if the child is yours. (V2) Verb 2        gesluip Example: Jan wil skei maar Marta weier. And we have your back all the way! Our online Afrikaans Dictionary is indispensable and free! Many other South African cultures have appropriated this easy bread recipe. Refentse’s accent is also flawless, and the simple but elegant lyrics are easy to follow. As in English, these describe actions or verbs. According to the IRL website, each of the scale’s six “base levels” implies control of any previous “base level’s” functions and accuracy. Afrikaans music, of course! Waarvoor wag jy? For example, a dish that’s not often mentioned but still commonly loved is melkkos (“milk food”). The adverb describes the verb or verbal clause in a sentence. Very encouraging. Many free online tools upon subscription to make your life easier while learning to speak Afrikaans. LET WEL: Verander die .mo dokument se naampie tog na die korrekte een toe! For us, to braai together is as much a social custom as it is a way to prepare food. Create a video or other visual media (with one of the many apps available online), using all of these quotes plus your favorite images or footage! Level: All Levels That’s why we think you should consider this Indian-style recipe for a chicken curry potjie. Since this site is about Afrikaans, let’s now look at a few dishes the Afrikaners love in particular. He pointed out that these, or other words that get written together, are always pronounced with the emphasis on the first syllable. Time                  soms Now let’s move on to the next point of basic Afrikaans grammar: how Afrikaans words get strung together into sentences. ALWAYS IN STYLE – BRETTENWOOD COASTAL ESTATE. / “I am a pilot.”. If a friend feels really stuck, trying to soothe them with words that don’t correspond to their current life experiences could alienate them, even if you mean well! Link: Afrikaans – Best of 2017 Afrikaans-speaking South Africans are, by nature, inquisitive people who want to know things about your personal history straight away! As you can see, this is a very long, descriptive sentence. Love will always be the most inspiring quality of any relationship, and it ensures we don’t miss the lessons we need to learn in life. Afrikaners are also tenacious and real problem-solvers. Thick, fermented drink being poured in a glass. It’s easy to spot a non-native speaker by this one trait only: they battle with their Rs! The answer is always the subject. a police officer, the traffic cop stopping you on the road, or a doctor). Knowing stuff helps you navigate your way in this world—every child knows this. / “My family lives in Utrecht in the Netherlands.”. And when we’re not braai-ing (“barbequing”), we make a potjie. Consider our website a complete guide to the Afrikaans language! It could be derived from the English slang for “thanks,“ which is “Ta!” So, then it would be like saying “Thanks-thanks!” Anyway, this is a very casual, informal way to say goodbye in Afrikaans, most often used with babies and children. Get Cooking in Afrikaans with AfrikaansPod101!

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