Archive / March, 2008

Sailing Journal – March 20, 2008 – Pacific Crossing

March 20: Day 8 Yesterday we were cruising along and batteling the wind, as usual. It was coming straight off the stern and moving from side to side. This requires constant sail adjustment and course changes. I was checking our possition on the Chart Plotter when all of the sudden my tiny world did a […]

Sailing Journal – March 19, 2008 – Pacific Crossing

March 19: Day 7 Last night the wind was gusting up to 30 knotts. I have lonly seen 30 knotts one other time. It feels like a lot of wind right now. We had to shorten sail as much as possible but the boat kept getting overpowered by the unpredictable gusts. We tried taking down […]

Sailing Journal – March 18, 2008 – Pacific Crossing

March 18: Day 6 The swells out of the North are tremendous. When I look out of the aft window of the cockpit it switches from a grey blue sky to a wall of water and back again. The cobalt blue that was the water of yesterday has been replaced with a frothing steel grey. […]

Sailing Journal – March 17, 2008 – Pacific Crossing

March 17: Day 5 Had a whold bowl of soup today and it tasted fine but afterward I was burping up the toxic frige smell and feeling queezy. Have thrown everything out that was not vacu-sealed. What a waste. the winds have started to build again but so have the seas, so despite the fact […]

Sailing Journal – March 16, 2008 – Pacific Crossing

March 16: Day 4 The gale that was predicted has not come. The wind is light but building and the seas have discovered some shape. I have been looking at the stars that are reflected in the phosphorescence below and alowing myself to feel fully that state of wonder. The ocean is so vast and […]

Sailing Journal – March 15, 2008 – Pacific Crossing

March 15: Day 3 We heard on the radio that the weather is coming our way so today I did our laundry while the weather was fair and there is sun with smooth seas. We are still in this lovely oasis of flat calm seas but the wind is dying. We are cutting through the […]

Sailing Journal – March 14, 2008 – Pacific Crossing

March 14: Day 2 The ocean is like a friend who has welcomed us home. The seas are flat and the wind is steady, Fearless is cruising easily at 7 knotts plus and we are giddy with the ease and joy of it. Out first day was one hundred and fifty miles.We cut through the […]

Sailing Journal – March 13, 2008 – Pacific Crossing

Daily Journal for Pacific Passage Well, this ended up being a long one! I knew that what at one point seems so important can be lost with mulling over so I decided to keep a daily log at sea. When at sea the days seem to blend together with the swells of the ocean and […]

Sailing Journal – March 12, 2008

Hallelujah! Our marine refrigerator repair guy came yesterday and filled the system with coolant and hunted down the leaks. This morning I woke up to a freezer that was reading twenty two degrees and fridge that was reading forty. I am so happy and I can’t wait to go. It seems like it has taken […]

Sailing Journal – March 9, 2008

Kill me now, please. Yesterday I wanted to put my fist through a wall. Today I am smiling and I don’t give a rat’s ass. We are planning to leave on Tuesday, which is the day after tomorrow. I am not sure that we will make that goal. After Gary and Odie left we got […]